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Native Gardens

Planting of native plants is recommended. Native plants need less water, provide wildlife habitat, help prevent erosion and stabilize banks.
Four easy steps to preserve wildlife in your area include providing food, water, cover, and places to raise young.

The Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife publishes a book, "Naturescaping, a Place for Wildlife." Plant lists and sample landscaping plans are included in the book. For more information visit Naturescaping is a term used to describe planting a plot of land so that it is environmentally friendly to people and wildlife. Landscaping with native plants means reduced maintenance, little or no fertilizing, and less watering, clipping, mowing and weeding over time. Several years ago, PADL collected orders for the book.

The Oregon State University Master Gardeners are a great resource.

Another website about gardening is

The National Wildlife Federation certifies landscapes -
Join the thousands of wildlife enthusiasts across the country who have been recognized for creating havens for neighborhood wildlife in their very own yards. These individuals have provided the essential elements for healthy and sustainable wildlife habitats and have earned the distinction of being part of National Wildlife Federation's Certified Wildlife Habitat™ program.
All you need to do is provide elements from each of the following areas:
* Food Sources - For example: Native plants, seeds, fruits, nuts, berries, nectar
* Water Sources - For example: Birdbath, pond, water garden, stream
* Places for Cover - For example: Thicket, rockpile, birdhouse
* Places to Raise Young - For example: Dense shrubs, vegetation, nesting box, pond
* Sustainable Gardening - For example: Mulch, compost, rain garden, chemical-free fertilizer
Need help? Call 1-800-822-9919 or email
The Oregon Coast Aquarium site is a certified habitat with the National Wildlife Federation.
Visit the Oregon Coast Aquarium in Newport to view the native plants along the nature trail.


Blue Green Thumb Watershed Education Program -
A program of the Preservation Association of Devils Lake (PADL)
Copyright © 2003-2010 Preservation Association of Devils Lake (PADL)
All rights reserved.

P.O. Box 36
Lincoln City, OR 97367